What I can do for you....

            Shamanism's teaching

If you need any informations about the price please call me or email me.


1st level:

The way of purification, totemic research,  

technic of  Shamanic care for  the body and the soul (basis)

 Duration 6 hours

 level 2: 

Stones  a way of life.

medicin bag technic of fabrication 

technic of care by  the stones

Duration 6hours

 level 3:  

The sacred  plants

ancestral medicin

Duration  8 hours

 level 4:   

15  Shamanics rituals

Duration 12 hours

Meet for a clairvoyance or spiritual guidance 

To the office, via email, messenger (WebCam) or  by the phone.

Meet one hour.

shamanic's remote care 

(A photography is necessary for the remote care)

Minimum of four cares.

Medicin Bag  

( Shamanic Ritual)